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You're the finest gourmet: Community support programme

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With an aim to achieve early identification and prevention, we propose a programme to be piloted in selected Neighborhood Elderly Centers (NEC) and District Elderly Community Centers (DECC), providing general consultations, training on feeding skills and meal preparation, dysphagia screening, and referral services for the elderly and their caregivers in the district.

Prevention: through information counselling and sharing of resources, the programme assists the elderly in preventing swallowing difficulties.

Education: the programme provides basic training and guidance to members and their caregivers to raise their awareness and understanding of the risks associated with dysphagia.

Identifying high-risk groups: with the aid of mobile screening tools, the programme triages and supports cases at risk of dysphagia for proper referral to District Health Centers or the Hospital Authority. It also seeks to collaborate with District Health Centers to provide an additional platform to support discharged dysphagic patients.

The programme aims to enhance the elderly and their caregivers' abilities to cope with dysphagia by improving three competencies: knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
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Enquires: +852 67111757 /
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