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Experiential Art and Creativity Courses and Teacher Training

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Art is the first language for young children before they learn to speak. It can help parents, caregivers and teachers understand the cognitive, social, emotional and physical development of young children, promoting mutual understanding and communication. There is currently a need for the early childhood education industry to improve and integrate art education curriculum, breaking away from focusing merely on handicraft skills and aesthetics. On the other hand, more professional art instructor training is needed to popularise child-centered art education. In recent years, HKSPC has initiated a programme to train early childhood art instructors, so as to enhance their capability to provide diverse art experiences for young children of different backgrounds and abilities; promote young children’s independent exploration, expression, and creation skills; and assist caregivers, thereby promoting social harmony and inclusion. In the long run, we hope to promote child-centered art education and training support in the industry.
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Enquires: +852 31846665 /
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