Service Detail

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Peer Coaching for Carers of ADHD Children

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The “Peer Coaching for Carers” program is tailor-made to reduce stress and enhance the self-efficacy of carers of ADHD children and at the same time help them to build up a community support network. 

In the program, 4 half-hour Individual Coaching sessions are provided for carers in need of peer support in 2 months. The coaching sessions are conducted in person or via phone or other digital communications.  Carers who have extensive experience on taking care of children with ADHD will be invited to receive training and become the coaches. Each coach is matched with a fellow carer with similar background for delivering the coaching service, including active listening, experience and information sharing and emotional support. The coach is also paired up with another more experienced carer for support and guidance during the period of service. Interim and final evaluation meetings will be held to monitor the progress and problem issues.

The coaches need to receive a Coach Training program consisting of 3 two-hour sessions to equip their coaching knowledge and skills before they can walk with the fellow carers and provide them with the required support. 

More details of the program can be found here:
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