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Multi-Family Adventure-based Therapy Groups

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The innovative “Multi-family Adventure-based Therapy Group” program integrates experiential adventure-based training programs and multiple family group therapy to enhance the mental health and resilience of both the individual and family for carers of children with ADHD. It consists of 4-5 full-day camps in 2-3 months and 3 one-hour reinforcement group meetings in-between the day camps for a group of 24 families. Each day camp includes experiential activities (such as parent-child hiking, outdoor adventure, sports climbing/high events rope course) and parallel parent/child experiential workshops with sharing sessions. 

The program focuses on the positive experiences of the parents and children with reference to the current parent-child development issues. It promotes learning in positive ways through experiential activities, experiencing their newly learnt parenting skills in workshops with supervisions, facilitating intra-family and inter-family positive interactions for changes, and promoting family motivations for psychosocial development. The program can facilitate the caregivers and their family members to transfer those psychosocial and mental health developmental learnings from the program back to their daily family lives.

As the program cultivates a safe and supportive milieu where the disrupted and tensed parent-child relationship can be rebuilt, it can promote the participants’ mental health development and strengthen family resilience.
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