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According to “Open For Business”, a coalition formed by global corporates to promote inclusion and diversity, nearly 80% of companies identified “access to healthcare” as core issues in their SDG materiality assessments (2023). MY CHECKUP sexual health examination service exists to fill the gap. We provide affirmative, inclusive and comprehensive sexual health examination and general body check services to all communities. Our professional and friendly medical service team understands the diverse needs of different communities including sex/gender identities, sexual orientations, ethnicities, allowing the service users to engage in sexual health service journey with peace of mind.
We empower our service users with flexibility and information in designing their personalized 

MY CHECKUP package - preventing unnecessary costly checkup items and delivering better outcome based on individual needs. If you want the most comprehensive check-up plan, you may consider to start with the Annual Health Check-up plan. The package includes physical examination, mental-health status assessment, common cancer indicators, multiple common STD tests, doctor’s consultation, provide basic medicines and sexual health guidance. Moreover, all the plans can be booked online, and the process is absolutely confidential. 

Protection of your sexual health is that simple!
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