Service Detail


Living Shoreline Initiative

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A healthy marine environment is essential not only for marine life, but also for our own survival. Hong Kong was once a fishing village, generations of Hong Kong people used to harvest from the sea. However, marine resources are not inexhaustible. We are witnessing the loss of biodiversity in our oceans and coastal habitats, and have been experiencing the aftermath of climate change more frequently than ever. Thus, we must act quickly to restore our oceans and raise the resilience of our city. 

Our living shoreline initiative is an award winning nature based solutions to address this urgent issue. Living shoreline is a dynamic solution that holds the power to reshape our coastal environments. It is more natural and sustainable than traditional structures like concrete seawalls and can act as a formidable blue carbon sink that sequesters carbon dioxide, contributing significantly to climate change mitigation. Moreover, it stands as a resilient barrier against floods to safeguard coastal communities, while simultaneously fostering the restoration of vital habitats, providing a higher survival chance for the marine organisms near the shore.
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