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Yanger Health - Community Health Service

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YMMSS is thrilled to introduce Yanger Health - Community Health Service, a pioneering initiative that adopts a variety of health intervention methods. This comprehensive program encompasses ongoing health assessments and educational initiatives, with a focus on driving public health behaviors, raising awareness of disease prevention, and facilitating early identification of health risks.

Our flagship programs, Oh My Liver! and Oh My Guts!, are specifically tailored to serve the diverse needs of both the general public and ethnic minority communities. By offering complimentary screenings for liver and gastrointestinal health, these programs enable early detection of potential health issues. Through dynamic and cross-cultural collaborations with experts from various disciplines, including social work, traditional Chinese and Western medicine, nutrition, and fitness coaching, we have proudly developed a robust and extraordinary evidence-based healthy lifestyle modification model that empowers individuals to make lasting positive changes, prioritize disease prevention, and have a significant impact on their family and community.

YMMSS is dedicated to tailoring personalized health planning solutions for businesses and communities. Join us on this transformative journey!
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