Service Detail

Compassionate School Programme

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JUST FEEL is the first registered charitable organization to systematically promote ‘compassionate communication’ and “social-emotional learning” to mainstream schools in Hong Kong. With a motto of “Connection before Solution”,  JUST FEEL is dedicated to transforming the communication culture in schools and families, empowering educators and parents to nurture the emotional well-being of students. Since its establishment in 2018, JUST FEEL has worked with 30+ partner schools through "Compassionate School Programme", served 26,500+ students, trained 6,900+ teachers, and served 29,600+ parents so far.

The "Compassionate School Programme" encompasses four key characteristics: prevention-oriented, whole-school participation, systematic approach, and evidence-based practices. Through a three-year partnership with schools, JUST FEEL works hand in hand to co-create a Compassionate School Culture, resulting in systemic impact. We employ three intervention modes: "support," "develop" and "connect," offering partner schools services in four key areas: (1) teacher support and training, (2) social-emotional education curriculum and resources for students, (3) fostering a compassionate school environment, and (4) parent support and training.
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Enquires: +852 91725533 /
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