Service Detail

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Y-Care CSR Scheme x YM Volunteer@SCHOOL

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Y-Care CSR Scheme aims to jointly promote sustainable practices with corporations following ESG and SDG principles as a way to give back to the community in multiple aspects and to create social values through diverse corporate community projects. Ultimately, it will achieve win-win impacts for corporations, society and the environment at large. 
At the same time, we encourage corporate volunteers to use their expertise in social service and pass on their expertise to student volunteers. The two work hand in hand to serve the community through various volunteer services. For example, corporate volunteers from the engineering sector can share their knowledge in Green building with student volunteers, and then work together to design sustainable urban renewal plans. We have prepared various CSR plans which cooperate with our YM Volunteer@SCHOOL scheme for corporations’ reference. 
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Enquires: +852 2783 3377 /
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