
Youth Diabetes Acion
Enquires: +852 25443881 / support@yda.org.hk
Exhibitor Detail:
Youth Diabetes Action (YDA) is the only charitable organisation in Hong Kong dedicated to supporting children with diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease, which requires constant management and a daily controlled diet. A child with Type 1 diabetes needs on average 6 finger prick tests and 4 insulin injections every day. A key part of supporting children with diabetes is to ensure they have a strong support network around them, and to increase awareness by dispelling the misconceptions around childhood diabetes. Our booth will focus on raising awareness of diabetes in children and adolescents, to promote a healthy lifestyle, and advocate for new medical technologies for Type 1 diabetes patients. The booth will let participants experience a snapshot of what it is like to live with Type 1 diabetes by having an on-the-spot “finger prick”; blood glucose test, hands-on interactive CGM demonstration and taking an interactive food carbs counting quiz.


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