
Mission To New Arrivals Limited
Enquires: +852 27296400 / info@newarrivals.org.hk
Exhibitor Detail:
'3H Handicraft' is a social enterprise established by 'Mission To New Arrivals Limited' in 2011. It creates home-based jobs for newly arrived women, allowing them to take care of children and earn income to improve their family life, encourage to develop their talents and find their lives. Be confident and break through yourself. Products: handmade screen flowers, weaving and fabric art series, handicraft interest classes. The three “H” stands for Heart, Hope and Home. The objectives of this social enterprise is to bring hope to these women through handicraft that was made with a loving heart and an working environment for women that is family friendly. Let women from different cultural backgrounds come together, learn from each other, appreciate each other, and promote personal and family development. It also allows them to realize their potential, build self-confidence and integrate into society through work. If any interest for the handmade screen flowers, weaving and fabric art series, handicraft interest classes.


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