
下列表明的使用條款適用於 閣下對本網頁的使用,請小心閱讀。閣下對本網頁的使用即表明 閣下已完全接受本使用條款及受其約束的協議以及本使用條款中提及的所有其他適用條款。

  1. 變更網頁


  2. 修改條款

    社聯可以不時行使完全酌情權而決定修改條款,不另通知亦無需對 閣下負上任何責任。閣下如在修訂條款後繼續使用本網頁,即表明同意受此等修訂的約束。

  3. 使用者的行為


    • 侵入、強行入侵、接通、使用或者企圖侵入、強行入侵、接通或者使用社聯伺服器的任何其他部分,及/或未經社聯對 閣下發出許可的任何資料區;
    • 限制或制止任何其他使用者使用並享用本網頁;
    • 發帖或傳輸任何種類的違法、欺詐、中傷、誹謗、淫褻、色情、褻瀆、恐嚇、污穢、討厭、令人反感或其他不良或過份的資訊,包括但不限於傳輸含有或慫恿可構成刑事罪、導致民事責任,或者以其他方式違反任何當地、國家、全國性或外國法律的行為的資料;
    • 發帖或者傳輸任何廣告、游說、連鎖信、層壓式推銷計劃、投資機會或計劃或其他未經要求而提供的商業通訊,或濫發電子郵件或泛滿屏幕;
    • 發帖或者傳輸含任何病毒、欺騙程序、蠕蟲或者其他有害成分的任何資訊或者軟件;
    • 發帖、發布、傳輸、複製、派發或以任何方式利用從本網頁取得的任何資訊作商業用途;
    • 上載、發帖、發布、傳輸、複製、或以任何方式派發從本網頁取得的受版權或其他所有權保護的資訊,或者未經著作權人或權利持有人事先的書面許可而就該等資訊作出衍生作品。


  4. 制止接通

    如果社聯認為 閣下已違反使用條款中的任何一款或者社聯經運用完全酌情權而決定應當或者必要為之時,則社聯保留權利可以隨時立即制止或者拒絕 閣下接通本網頁或任何部份,不另通知。

    在社聯採取適當安全措施對網頁的接通加以控制(詳情請參見私隱政策聲明)時,閣下須對 閣下的登錄詳情保密(如有的話),並確保僅 閣下或經 閣下授權之職員出於正當目的方能接通服務。

  5. 第三方資訊



  6. 本網頁的連接

    本網頁的連接可將 閣下連往其他網址而 閣下承認並同意,社聯對連接網址所提供的任何資訊的準確性或有效性,不負任何責任。


  7. 補償

    閣下同意就 閣下違反使用條款的任何一款及/或使用本網頁有關或因此而產生的任何責任、損害賠償、申索、訴訟、費用及支出(包括但不限於法律費用)而為社聯提出抗辯,作出補償並使社聯不受傷害。如有必要,社聯可能參加任何申索或者訴訟的抗辯及參與任何和解商議。若無社聯事先書面同意,不得作出任何對社聯權利或者義務有不利影響的和解。社聯保留權利,在向 閣下發出通知後,自費行使對任何申索或者訴訟的獨有抗辯及獨有控制。

  8. 知識產權權利

    本網頁存有的一切知識產權權利屬於社聯或者經合法特許社聯用於本網頁。在此保留適用法律項下的一切權利。除經社聯明示許可者外,鑒於本網頁按適用法律具有版權,因此 閣下不得以任何方式上載、發帖、發布、複製、傳輸或者派發本網頁的任何成分或者在其上設定衍生作品。

    閣下同意社聯可自由及無需支付 閣下任何款項的情況下使用、披露、採用、更改任何及所有由 閣下就有關網頁及/或閣下對服務的使用提供給社聯的概念、技術、建議、提議、意見及其他通訊及資料("回應")。 閣下謹此放棄及同意放棄任何及所有有關社聯使用、披露、採用及/或更改 閣下任何或所有的回應而向社聯追索任何代價、費用、版權費、收費及/或其他付費的權利及追索。

  9. 有限責任及保證

    所有資訊僅供 閣下作一般參考。社聯對該等資訊不負任何責任。

    閣下接通及使用社聯的網頁,風險自負而社聯的網頁乃按照當時的情況及可接通性而提供。本網頁僅供 閣下個人使用及社聯不發表任何聲明或作出任何保證,無論是明示的或暗示的,包括但不限於,就任何具體的目的對適銷性或適用性作出任何保證。

    就本網頁或者其他方面而言,社聯的全部責任及 閣下的全部補償,僅為再度提供不完備的服務。在那些不許可對某種責任作出免除或者限制的司法管轄區,社聯的責任將規限於法律可容許的最大程度內。社聯對透過社聯的網頁所提供的任何材料、產品或者服務不作認可、保證或擔保。社聯對 閣下與任何第三方之間所做的任何交易,並非為及不會成為其中的一方。


    • 本網頁提供的資訊是否準確、充足、及時或可靠,或是否除一般參考外還可用於任何目的;
    • 本網頁提供的資訊是否無缺陷、錯誤、遺漏、病毒或可改變、刪除、加於或損壞 閣下的軟件、資料或者設備的任何有害物;
    • 經互聯網發出的,包括涉及服務的訊息不會被截、中斷、無錯誤、不會延誤或丟失;
    • 接通時,本網頁可用或者不中斷;
    • 使用本網頁或服務將產生任何特殊成效;
    • 本網頁的缺點會被糾正。

    不限於前述一般性條款,在任何情況下,社聯對 閣下或者任何其他人士因使用或不能使用該等資訊或服務所發生的任何直接的、間接的、附帶引起的、特別的、懲罰性的或者間接性的損失或損害賠償(包括任何業務或盈利的損失),不承擔任何責任。即使社聯已知悉可能會有該等損失或損害賠償,亦是如此。


  10. 私隱政策


  11. 部分無效


  12. 多名使用者


  13. 其他事項


  14. 終止條款


  15. 規限法律及司法管轄權


  16. 中文版本




下列表明的使用条款适用于 阁下对本网页的使用,请小心阅读。阁下对本网页的使用即表明 阁下已完全接受本使用条款及受其约束的协议以及本使用条款中提及的所有其他适用条款。

  1. 变更网页


  2. 修改条款

    社联可以不时行使完全酌情权而决定修改条款,不另通知亦无需对 阁下负上任何责任。阁下如在修订条款后继续使用本网页,即表明同意受此等修订的约束。

  3. 使用者的行为


    • 侵入、强行入侵、接通、使用或者企图侵入、强行入侵、接通或者使用社联伺服器的任何其他部分,及/或未经社联对 阁下发出许可的任何资料区;
    • 限制或制止任何其他使用者使用并享用本网页;
    • 发帖或传输任何种类的违法、欺诈、中伤、诽谤、淫亵、色情、亵渎、恐吓、污秽、讨厌、令人反感或其他不良或过份的资讯,包括但不限于传输含有或怂恿可构成刑事罪、导致民事责任,或者以其他方式违反任何当地、国家、全国性或外国法律的行为的资料;
    • 发帖或者传输任何广告、游说、连锁信、层压式推销计划、投资机会或计划或其他未经要求而提供的商业通讯,或滥发电子邮件或泛满屏幕;
    • 发帖或者传输含任何病毒、欺骗程序、蠕虫或者其他有害成分的任何资讯或者软件;
    • 发帖、发布、传输、复制、派发或以任何方式利用从本网页取得的任何资讯作商业用途;
    • 上载、发帖、发布、传输、复制、或以任何方式派发从本网页取得的受版权或其他所有权保护的资讯,或者未经著作权人或权利持有人事先的书面许可而就该等资讯作出衍生作品。


  4. 制止接通

    如果社联认为 阁下已违反使用条款中的任何一款或者社联经运用完全酌情权而决定应当或者必要为之时,则社联保留权利可以随时立即制止或者拒绝 阁下接通本网页或任何部份,不另通知。

    在社联采取适当安全措施对网页的接通加以控制(详情请参见私隐政策声明)时,阁下须对 阁下的登录详情保密(如有的话),并确保仅 阁下或经 阁下授权之职员出于正当目的方能接通服务。

  5. 第三方资讯



  6. 本网页的连接

    本网页的连接可将 阁下连往其他网址而 阁下承认并同意,社联对连接网址所提供的任何资讯的准确性或有效性,不负任何责任。


  7. 补偿

    阁下同意就 阁下违反使用条款的任何一款及/或使用本网页有关或因此而产生的任何责任、损害赔偿、申索、诉讼、费用及支出(包括但不限于法律费用)而为社联提出抗辩,作出补偿并使社联不受伤害。如有必要,社联可能参加任何申索或者诉讼的抗辩及参与任何和解商议。若无社联事先书面同意,不得作出任何对社联权利或者义务有不利影响的和解。社联保留权利,在向 阁下发出通知后,自费行使对任何申索或者诉讼的独有抗辩及独有控制。

  8. 知识产权权利

    本网页存有的一切知识产权权利属于社联或者经合法特许社联用于本网页。在此保留适用法律项下的一切权利。除经社联明示许可者外,鉴于本网页按适用法律具有版权,因此 阁下不得以任何方式上载、发帖、发布、复制、传输或者派发本网页的任何成分或者在其上设定衍生作品。

    阁下同意社联可自由及无需支付 阁下任何款项的情况下使用、披露、采用、更改任何及所有由 阁下就有关网页及/或阁下对服务的使用提供给社联的概念、技术、建议、提议、意见及其他通讯及资料("回应")。 阁下谨此放弃及同意放弃任何及所有有关社联使用、披露、采用及/或更改 阁下任何或所有的回应而向社联追索任何代价、费用、版权费、收费及/或其他付费的权利及追索。

  9. 有限责任及保证

    所有资讯仅供 阁下作一般参考。社联对该等资讯不负任何责任。

    阁下接通及使用社联的网页,风险自负而社联的网页乃按照当时的情况及可接通性而提供。本网页仅供 阁下个人使用及社联不发表任何声明或作出任何保证,无论是明示的或暗示的,包括但不限于,就任何具体的目的对适销性或适用性作出任何保证。

    就本网页或者其他方面而言,社联的全部责任及 阁下的全部补偿,仅为再度提供不完备的服务。在那些不许可对某种责任作出免除或者限制的司法管辖区,社联的责任将规限于法律可容许的最大程度内。社联对透过社联的网页所提供的任何材料、产品或者服务不作认可、保证或担保。社联对 阁下与任何第三方之间所做的任何交易,并非为及不会成为其中的一方。


    • 本网页提供的资讯是否准确、充足、及时或可靠,或是否除一般参考外还可用于任何目的;
    • 本网页提供的资讯是否无缺陷、错误、遗漏、病毒或可改变、删除、加于或损坏 阁下的软件、资料或者设备的任何有害物;
    • 经互联网发出的,包括涉及服务的讯息不会被截、中断、无错误、不会延误或丢失;
    • 接通时,本网页可用或者不中断;
    • 使用本网页或服务将产生任何特殊成效;
    • 本网页的缺点会被纠正。

    不限于前述一般性条款,在任何情况下,社联对 阁下或者任何其他人士因使用或不能使用该等资讯或服务所发生的任何直接的、间接的、附带引起的、特别的、惩罚性的或者间接性的损失或损害赔偿(包括任何业务或盈利的损失),不承担任何责任。即使社联已知悉可能会有该等损失或损害赔偿,亦是如此。


  10. 私隐政策


  11. 部分无效


  12. 多名使用者


  13. 其他事项


  14. 终止条款


  15. 规限法律及司法管辖权


  16. 中文版本



Terms of Use

Please read the Terms of Use set forth below, asthey apply to your use of the Website. Your use of the Website signifies your acceptance of these terms of use and agreement to be bound by them and any and all other applicable terms referenced herein absolutely.

  1. Changes to Website

    We may, in our sole discretion and at any time, without notice to you, add to, amend or remove any Information from the Website, or alter the presentation, substance, or functionality of the Website.

  2. Change of Terms

    We may amend the Terms of Use from time to time in our sole discretion without notice or liability to you. By continuing to use the Website following such amendments to the Terms of Use, you agree to be bound by such amendments.

  3. User's Conduct

    As a condition of your use of the Website, you must not:

    • trespass, break into, access, use or attempt to trespass, break into, access or use any other parts of our servers, and/or any data areas for which you have not been authorised by us;
    • restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Website;
    • post or transmit any unlawful, fraudulent, libellous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, profane, threatening, abusive, hateful, offensive, or otherwise objectionable or unreasonable Information of any kind, including without limitation any transmissions constituting or encouraging conduct that may constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any local, state, national or foreign law;
    • post or transmit any advertisements, solicitations, chain letters, pyramid schemes, investment opportunities or schemes or other unsolicited commercial communication, or engage in spamming or flooding;
    • post or transmit any Information or software which contains any virus, trojan horse, worm or other harmful component;
    • post, publish, transmit, reproduce, distribute, exploit or use in any way any Information obtained through the Website for or in connection with the following purposes:
    • upload, post, publish, transmit, reproduce, or distribute in any way, Information obtained through the Website which is protected by copyright, or other proprietary right, or create derivative works with respect thereto, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner or rightholder.

    You have no rights in or to the Information available from time to time on the Website and you will not use the Information available from time to time on the Website in any manner or for any purpose, except as permitted under these Terms of Use.

  4. Access

    We reserve the right at all times to prohibit or deny your access to the Website or any part thereof immediately and without notice, where we are of the opinion that you have breached any of the terms contained in the Terms of Use or that such prohibition or denial is appropriate, desirable or necessary in our sole discretion.

    Whilst we implement appropriate security measures to control access to the Website (please see our Privacy Policy Statement for further details), you must keep your log-in details (if any) confidential and ensure that only you or your authorized employees access the Services for proper purposes.

  5. Third Party Information

    The Information may contain Information provided by Third Party Providers or sourced by HKCSS from other references or sources. The Information on the Website may not be regarded as any recommendation or endorsement by HKCSS for any purpose with respect to any person, product or service.

    HKCSS is not responsible if any such Information is not up-to-date; HKCSS does not separately verify such Information. Accordingly we do not accept any responsibility whatsoever in respect of such Information. Any use of and reliance on such Information is at your own risk.

  6. Links to and from the Website

    The links on the Website may take you to other sites and you acknowledge and agree that HKCSS have no responsibility for the accuracy or availability of any Information provided by linked websites.

    Links to other websites do not constitute an endorsement by HKCSS of such websites or the Information, products, advertising or other materials available on those websites.

  7. Indemnity

    You agree to on demand defend, indemnify and hold the HKCSS harmless from and against all liabilities, damages, claims, actions, costs and expenses (including without limitation legal fees), in connection with or arising from your breach of any provision in these Terms of Use and/or your use of the Website and /or the Information available from time to time on the Website for any purpose whatsoever (whether or not constituting a breach of any provision in these Terms of Use). We may, if necessary, participate in the defence of any claim or action and any negotiations for settlement. No settlement which may adversely affect our rights or obligations shall be made without our prior written approval. We reserve the right, at our own expense and on notice to you, to assume exclusive defence and control of any claim or action.

  8. Intellectual Property Rights

    All intellectual property rights subsisting in respect of the Website belong to HKCSS or have been lawfully licensed to HKCSS for use on the Website. All rights under applicable laws are hereby reserved. Except with the express permission of HKCSS, you are not allowed to upload, post, publish, reproduce, transmit or distribute in any way any component of the Website itself or create derivative works with respect thereto, as the Website is copyrighted under applicable laws.

  9. Limited Liability and Warranty

    All Information available from time to time on the Website is for your general reference only. HKCSS does not accept any responsibility whatsoever in respect of such Information.

    Your access to and use of our Website is at your sole risk and is provided “as is,” and “as available.” The website is for your personal use only and we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation, any warranties on merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.

    Our entire liability and your exclusive remedy with respect to the Website or otherwise, is re-performance or defective services. In jurisdictions which do not allow the exclusion or limitation of certain types of liability, our liability will be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law. We do not endorse, warrant or guarantee any information, material, product or service offered through us on our Website. We are not and will not be a party to any transaction between you and your third party.

    HKCSS shall NOT guarantee or assume any responsibility that:

    • the Information on the Website is accurate, adequate, current or reliable, or may be used for any purpose other than for general reference;
    • the Information on the Website is free of defect, error, omission, virus or anything which may change, erase, add to or damage your software, data or equipment;
    • messages sent through the internet including in connection with the Services will be free from interception, corruption, error, delay or loss;
    • access to the Website will be available or be uninterrupted;
    • use of the Website or Services will achieve any particular result;
    • defects in the Website will be corrected.

    Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in no event will the HKCSS be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential loss or damages, including any loss of business or profit, arising out of any use, or inability to use, the Information or the Services, even if HKCSS have been advised of the possibility of such loss or damages.

    In addition, HKCSS accepts no responsibility for or liability in respect of Information or services provided by Third Party Providers, nor does it endorse such Third Party Providers. You acknowledge and accept that any dispute in relation to such Information or services is unrelated to HKCSS and is solely a matter between you and such Third Party Provider.

    You will exercise and rely solely on your own skill and judgment in your use and interpretation of the Information. You are responsible to ensure that your use of the Information obtained through the Website in any way for any purpose whatsoever complies with all applicable legal requirements, including without limitation, the data protection law applicable to you.

    The limitation of liability contained in these Terms of Use will apply to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws.

  10. Privacy Policy

    For information about our privacy policies and practices, please refer to our Privacy Policy Statement. You agree to the use and disclosure of your information in the manner set out in our Privacy Policy Statement (as updated from time to time).

  11. Partial Invalidity

    The illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Terms of Use under the law of any jurisdiction shall not affect its legality, validity or enforceability under the laws of any other jurisdiction nor the legality, validity or enforceability of any other provision.

  12. Several Users

    If there are two or more persons adhering to these Terms of Use as user, their liability under the Terms of Use is joint and several, and their rights are joint.

  13. Miscellaneous

    No waiver of any breach under these Terms of Use will amount to a waiver of any other breach. The headings in these Terms of Use are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation.

  14. Termination

    We may, in our sole discretion and at any time, without prior notice to you and without cause, terminate all or any part of our Services to you and consequentially prohibit your right to access to the Services and/or the Website and remove any information and data linked to your profile or registered account.

  15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

    These Terms of Use shall be governed by the law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. You agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.

  16. Chinese Version

    If there is any conflict or difference between the Chinese version of the Terms of Use and its English version, the English version prevails. If any part of the Chinese version is unclear, reference should be made to the English version. The Chinese version may not be translated into English for the purpose of comparing with or interpreting the English version.
